The first seminar I attended was called Mindshare. It was my favorite seminar so far because the speaker was entertaining, kept things moving, and had valuable information that caught me off guard. He just wrote a book called One World One Company and it is about how companies are now considered global rather than specific to their one country or culture. He started off by asking everyone in the room if they thought being creative was important, then asking if he thought we were creative, and then if peoples company help develop the creative side of their employees. He was very funny and I loved that he brought the audience into the discussion. I learned that the country with the lowest level of confidence is South Korea. He said you have to be confident in this industry or how will you stand out and a creative person is always a doubter and looking for new things. Also, being humble is very important and people will remember and respect you for it. I learned that creativity is to combine two existing things and to not reinvent the wheel. He gave a formula Idea=p(k+i). Ideas equal a persons knowledge plus information .
The second seminar I attended was the Facebook one. I was expecting to be really impressed but the only thing that caught my eye were the graphics. It was Paul Adams speaking and three minutes into his lecture he had a momentary freak out and had to walk off stage. Everyone clapped for him and he came back on and apologized to everyone. I learned that the internet is built about your interests, friends, and friends interests. Technologies are combing and the term 'social' will go away because everything will be social in the future. Technology changes fast but people change slowly and people live in groups and always have. People share content to build relationships, build networks, and manage their identity.
I loved our speaker from Tuesday because he gave us very valuable information about what he judged entries on. He said the trends he saw had good combinations of new media and traditional media. To get the maximum communication effect you have to combine the medias. Social media is everything now and you need to make your event or activity unique using social media in a special way for it to stand out. He also said that the creative side of advertising and the business side used to be very divided but now there is starting to be blur between the sides and in the future agencies will change a lot.
The masterclass I attended was with Ogilvy. The man speaking used to be a journalist but had moved into the industry and lived in Asia. He said you need to learn how to act different than your predecessors to bring about a fundamental shift. Social media helps change the world and you will have to utilize it for the rest of our lives. He said 'social media is the internet and the internet is social media.' Some advice he gave was to know yourself, your passions, and stick with them because it will work out better for you that way. He said telling good stories was very important in the industry and they need to be simple, unexpected, concrete, credible, and emotional. Putting on many faces in the industry is apart of your job and you need to learn how to do it and maintain good relationships. Lastly, he said to break things is good because you will always learn for your mistakes and come up with something better.
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